Ayurvedic morning routine

Must include activities in your morning routine

Here is a concise overview of the key activities in an Ayurvedic morning routine:

Wake Up Early

– Aim to wake up before sunrise, ideally between 4:30-6am depending on your dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).
– Take a few deep breaths and express gratitude before getting out of bed.

Cleanse and Eliminate

– Drink a glass of warm water with lemon to stimulate digestion and elimination.
– Evacuate bowels, ideally at the same time each morning.
– Scrape tongue to remove toxins and stimulate digestion.
– Brush teeth and rinse mouth.

Self-Oil Massage (Abhyanga)

– Massage warm oil (sesame, coconut, almond) onto body in circular motions.
– Allows oil to absorb for 5-10 minutes before showering.

Dry Brushing or Scrubbing

– Stimulates circulation and removes dead skin cells
– Can be done before or after oil massage

Nasal Oil (Nasya)

– Apply 1-2 drops of warm oil (sesame, nasya oil) in each nostril
– Helps lubricate nasal passages and sinuses

Meditation and Yoga

– Sit quietly and focus on breath for 5-20 minutes
– Practice yoga asanas or sun salutations to energize body


– Eat a nourishing, warm breakfast suited to your dosha
– Avoid cold, heavy foods that can dampen digestion

The key is to experiment and find a routine that balances your mind and body. Consistency is most important for establishing a healthy dinacharya.

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